Battambang Security Co-ordination Manual
Appendix - Evacuation Phase Plan (simplified.. version) INTRODUCTION The
following is a simplified version of the phase indicator chart. The phase
plan is like any other tool in that it can be used when applicable,
therefore, use common sense with the under- standing that an increased
level of insecurity should match a well prepared plan of action. This plan
of action calls for a gradual reduction of international staff members
according to the phase declared with a tendency to air on the side of
caution. This simplified version of the phase plan should be distributed among staff members. It explains the procedures involved in the phases without the indicators. This is a confidential document and should be shared with international staff members only.
Any UN / INGO / IO nonessential international staff member refusing to
evacuate on phase 2 and 3 and remaining on phase 4 / 5 will be essentially
responsible for themselves. 38 / 39 |