Ambon Information Website

Ambon (236 bytes)maps of Maluku, Ambon, Seram, Kei, Halmahera (240 bytes)statistics on Maluku, Ambon, Ceram, Tenggah, Moluccas (260 bytes)Articles on Maluku, Moluccas, Ambon, Christian, Muslim (252 bytes)History of Maluku, Ambon, Seram, Ternate, Tidore, Moluccasphotos of Ambon, Kei, Maluku, Moluccas (247 bytes)links fo Maluku, Moluccas, Ambon, Seram, Indonesia (237 bytes)

Maps of Ambon and Maluku

Ambon Maluku Indonesia (5855 bytes)

Select the large scale map you want to view by clicking on the the appropriate name on this map

N.B. North Maluku and Aru, are not yet available as maps.


or select from the list below (Ambon City included)

MalukuI (22143 bytes)



Central South

Maluku Utara Province / Ternate

Coming Later

Ambon Island


Ambon Island (111712 bytes)

Kei Islands


Kei Islands (83001 bytes)

Sula Islands


Sula Islands (177875 bytes)

Ambon Bay and City (91KB)

Ambon Bay (91124 bytes)

Tanimbar Islands


Tanimbar Island (113162 bytes)

Halmahera (180KB)

Halmahera islands - north (183891 bytes)

Ambon City


Ambon city map (180523 bytes)

Aru (16KB)


West-Seram Island


Seram - west map (181694 bytes)


East-Seram Island


Seram east map (145213 bytes)


Buru Island


Buru Island map (154497 bytes)


Haruku & Saparua Islands


Haruku Saparua Islands map (48082 bytes)



Reference Books On Ambon and Maluku

Ambon Maluku Indonesia (5333 bytes)

Ambon (236 bytes)maps of Maluku, Ambon, Seram, Kei, Halmahera (240 bytes)statistics on Maluku, Ambon, Ceram, Tenggah, Moluccas (260 bytes)Articles on Maluku, Moluccas, Ambon, Christian, Muslim (252 bytes)History of Maluku, Ambon, Seram, Ternate, Tidore, Moluccasphotos of Ambon, Kei, Maluku, Moluccas (247 bytes)links fo Maluku, Moluccas, Ambon, Seram, Indonesia (237 bytes)

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Last modified: 31/05/08