Battambang Security Co-ordination Manual


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H. Convoy Operational Procedures


These are standard UN convoy operational procedures that were revised to suit our system.

revised by AP.




1. Meeting among Group leaders and UN / INGO CSCs.

A. Reach consensus on the convoy route, date, departure times, and the ETA travel objectives.

B. Select convoy scout team of three vehicles to depart half an hour before the convoy is scheduled to leave.

C. Establish convoy meeting points at the final destination for a roll call.


2. Meeting of individual groups.

A. Prepare a full list of vehicles to be used according to passengers, make, license plate numbers, registration numbers and drivers assigned to vehicles according to each convoy.

B. Group leaders assign responsibilities, including Convoy Leaders. Each group will need to break down into several mini convoys of 6 -10 vehicles with convoy leaders. Group Leaders jointly establish a departure schedule for each convoy in all groups.


3. Romeo Bravo base prepare a SITOR to be sent to forward stations in SIS / PUR / PNP at a set time. No information given to forward base stations on the HF/ VHF networks.



- Convoy leaders check radio equipment and ensure that first and last vehicles have radios. (in hazardous areas, all vehicles should be radio equipped).

- UN / INGO CSCs decide on frequencies, and ensure that base and destination radio stations know what frequency is to be used. Will anyone else be operating on this frequency?

- UN / INGO CSCs and Romeo Bravo base decide on a time schedule for radio checks with base.

- Romeo Bravo base ensure that the base and destination radio stations will be manned until the convoy arrives safely.

- Group leaders / Convoy leaders ensure that everyone is aware of all call signs, codes, and any special procedures to be observed.

- Group I Convoy leaders check that the radio operators in the convoy are aware of all the above, and know to speak clearly and concisely on the air.



- Convoy leaders should check all of the following :

- Ensure that all vehicles are correctly marked.

- Check that all vehicles are in good condition for the journey.

- Check that all vehicles start off with a full fuel tank.

- Ensure that the convoy is of a manageable size, commensurate with the number of convoy leaders. Group leaders break Convoys into 6 -8 vehicles, with spaced departures of five minutes, and coordinate with other groups a sequence of departures. Ensure the most competent driver take the wheel.

-The following list of spares should be carried by each vehicle in the convoy. The list is not exhaustive:

Spares List and essential items:

- First aid kit

- fan belt

- spark plugs

- spare wheel

- bulbs

- fuses

- distributor cap

- radiator hose

- contact points

- a comprehensive tool kit

- tire pump and pressure gauge

- tow rope and spare lengths of rope

- good quality jack

- a short handled shovel

- a 2 gallon reserve of drinking water

- spare fuel and oil

- spare food


Draw up a route plan during group leader and UN / INGO CSC meeting

- Group leaders decide on A or B departure routes.

- Obtain up to date intelligence on possible security hazards.

- Measure the route to be traveled, and divide the journey into sections, estimate the ETA for each section.

- Having decided on a route plan, write it down, including all details of vehicles, persons and distribute to UN / INGO security coordinators.

- A contingency plan (keep it simple) should also be drawn up in the event of injury, breakdown, etc.

- A procedure for aborting the operation must be included in the route plan.

- Do not travel after dark, so ensure that all timings on your route plan enable you to reach a selected location well before dark.



- Prior to the departure, Group leaders hold a briefing for all persons on the convoy and ensure that everyone understands their responsibilities, convoy procedures, contingency plan.


- Suggest that all staff members carry the following with them in the vehicle:

- UN / INGO ID and / or passport

- a map of the area

- a torch (with spare batteries and bulb)

- matches (in water proof container)

- a notepad & pen

- a hat and extra clothing

- a full water bottle

- some emergency food (optional)

- insect repellent


Convoy rules

1) Romeo Bravo base maintain a log book for the convoys while making regular radio checks with assigned convoy leaders.

2) In convoy, keep visual contact with the vehicle in front and behind - try to maintain a distance of about 30 meters between you.

3) If you are stopped at a roadblock, be calm, cool and co-operative. Communicate with the convoy leader if possible.

4) Do not carry military personnel of any organisation.

5) Do not carry weapons, ammunition or explosives.

6) On arrival at your destination, ensure that you confirm your arrival with your Convoy leader. Convoy leaders should confirm their arrival with Romeo Papa base. Romeo Papa base should inform Romeo Bravo base by SITOR.

7) Convoy leaders do not hesitate to abort the operation should the security situation so dictate.


Briefing and trip report

As soon as possible after the completion of the operation, Convoy leaders should hold a briefing with all concerned in their convoy. Inform base of any complications. Convoy leaders should ensure that all have arrived safely.

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