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Ambon / Maluku Glossary
If you have any additions please send them to me - Send email to . | Many thanks to Marinyo Maluku for his valuable contributions. |
ABRI | Angkatan Bersenjanta Republik Indonesia - Indonesian military forces composed of Army, Navy and Air Force. See also - ADRI, ALRI, AURI. |
Acang | Nickname for Muslims (see also Obet / Obed). Derived from popular Muslim name “Hassan”. |
ACF | Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger - International NGO. |
Adat | The sacred customary beliefs handed down by the ancestors. Cultural code of conduct and norms, what is acceptable and expected, common law. |
ADRI | Angkatan Darat Republik Indonesia - Indonesian Army. |
Agats | Christian children fighters. The agats is a tiny kind of insect that can sting annoyingly. |
Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah | Congregation of the Followers of the Prophet. Fundamental Muslim Movement, backing up Jihad fighters. |
AJI | Independent Journalists Association. |
Akar Rumput | Grass Roots movement. |
Ale | Moluccan slang for “you”. A famous expression is: ALE RASA BETA RASA – the Ambonese word BETA (stress on the first syllable) = I / me. The Indonesian word RASA = feel. So the meaning is: “I feel what you feel”. If you have pain, I have no less pain. If you are happy, I am happy too. |
Alif'uru | Moluccan peoples' ancestors. |
ALRI | Angkatan Laut Republic Indonesia - Indonesian Navy. |
Ambon Ekspres | Local newspaper. Muslim, split off from “Suara Maluku” for practical reasons since the conflict started. |
AMMB | Aliansi Mahasiswa Maluku Bersatu - Alliance of United Moluccan Students. |
Armed | Artileri Medan - Field Artillery. |
AURI | Angkatan Udara Republik Indonesia - Indonesian Air Force. |
Baileo | Adat village sacred meeting place, also a local NGO. |
Baguala | The most eastern of the 3 Kecamatans of the city of Ambon. The two others are Nusaniwe and Sirimau. |
Bakin | State Intelligence Coordinating Board 2nd ref board. |
Bakornas PBP | National Coordinating Board for Disaster Management and IDPs / Refugees. |
Baku Bae | Reconciliation movement. “Baku Bae” = Moluccan slang for “Saling (bersikap) baik”. |
BAP | Berkas berita acara pemeriksaan - police investigation reports. |
Bapa Raja | Traditional Maluku village leader. |
BAPPEDA | Regional Development Agency. |
Basudara | Moluccan slang derived from Indonesian “bersaudara”. “Saudara” = brother/sister/cousin and still farther up. The prefix “ber-” always means “having”. So “Basudara” means “having each other as “saudara” = brotherhood. |
Becak | Traditional three-wheel bicycle taxi. |
BIA | Armed Forces Intelligence. |
BIMM | Badan Imarah Muslim Maluku. Union of all Muslims in the Moluccas, established at the Great Muslim Conference which was held in Ambon from 19 to 22 June, 2001. BIMM is short for “Association that manages/coordinates the Muslims of the Moluccas”. See also Immarat / Immarah / Amaran. |
BIN | Badan Intelijen Negara - National Intelligence Agency. |
BPDPM | Badan Pengawasan Daerah Provinsi Maluku - Moluccas Control Committee |
BPKP | Moluccas Development and Finance Audit Body |
BPS | Bureau of Statistics. |
Brawijaya | Regional Military Command in East Java. |
Brimob | Police Mobile Brigade. |
Buka Puasa | Breaking the fast. |
Bulog | National Logistics Agency. |
BUMN | State-owned enterprises. |
Bupati | Head of a Kabupaten. |
Camat | Head of a Kecamatan / sub-district (subdivision of Kabupaten). |
CARDI | Consortium for Assistance to Refugees and the Displaced in Indonesia (International NGOs). |
CARE | Care International - International NGO. |
CGI | Consultative Group on Indonesia (was IGGI). |
CIDA | Canadian International Development Agency. |
Coker | Short for Cowo-Cowo Keren, Ambonese, meaning “Bold Youngsters” or Cowok Keristen, the "Christian Boys". |
CORDAID | Catholic Organisation for Relief and Development. |
CWS | Church World Service - International NGO. |
Da’i | A specialist in matters of dakwah. |
Dakwah | Propagation of the faith (Islam). |
Darul Ulum | Local NGO. |
DDII | Indonesian Islam Da'wah Federation. |
DEPSOS | Social Department. |
Desa | Village. |
Dewan Dakwah Islamiyah | Indonesian Islamic Faith-Strengthening Board. |
Diponegoro | Regional Military Command in Central Java. |
DPH | Dewan Pimpinan Harian. |
DPRD | Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah - Provincial House of Representatives. |
Fatwa | Authoritative Islamic instruction. |
FKASWJ / FKAWJ | Forum Komunikasi Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah - Communication Forum. Opposed to Malino II agreement. |
FKM | Front Kedaulatan Maluku - Maluku Sovereignty Front. |
FMUMM | Forum Musyawarah Umat Muslim Maluku - Moluccas Muslim Meeting Forum. Opposed to Malino II agreement. |
FPIM | Front Pembela Islam Maluku - The Islamic Defenders Front of Moluccas - led by Husni Putuhena. Opposed to Malino II agreement. |
FPIS | Front Pemuda Islam Surakarta (Java). |
FSPB | Forum Silatuhrahmi Perempuan Baguala - local Muslim women's group opposed to Malino II agreement. (Baguala is the most eastern of the 3 Kecamatans of the city of Ambon. The two others are Nusaniwe and Sirimau). |
FSUIM | Forum Silaturahmi Umat Islam Maluku. Opponents of the agreement in Malino have united in the FSUIM. |
GAM | Gerakan Aceh Merdeka - Free Aceh Movement. |
Gandong | Moluccan slang, derived from the Indonesian word KANDUNGAN, which means “womb”. There is a popular nostalgic Moluccan song “Satu hati satu gandong” = “One heart one womb” (as if coming from one mother). Applied to connections between villages descended from the same patriarch. |
GMIH | Gereja Masehi Injili Halmahera - Evangelical Messiah Church of Halmahera. |
GMKI | Gerakan Mahasiswa Kristen Indonesia - Indonesia Christian's student movement. |
GMN | Gerakan Moral Nasional - National Moral Movement. Leaders of this forum - Kyai Haji Hasyim Muzadi of the Nahdathul Ulama, Fr. I. Ismartono SJ in name of the Catholic Church and Minister A.A. Yewangoe of the union of Protestant Churches in Indonesia. |
Golkar | Golongan Karya - Functional Group Party, literally “Work Party”. |
Gotong-royong | Traditional voluntary work for common benefit. |
GPK | The government term meaning peace disturbing movement or security disturbance groups. |
GPM | Gereja Protestan Maluku - Moluccan Protestant Church. The largest and most influential Protestant Church in the Moluccas. Sinode GPM = Leading board of the GPM. |
GPP | Gerakan Perempuan Peduli - Concerned Women's movement. |
Halong | Halong naval base in Ambon. |
Hawear signs | Severe adat custom. Adat No-Trespass signs. Consists of some wooden stakes, planted in the earth, “decorated” with palm leaves (coconut leaf fences). Nobody will try to trespass, fearing the wrath of unknown forces. |
HMI | Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam - Muslim Students' Association. |
IBRA | Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency. |
IGGI | Consultative Group on Indonesia - replaced by CGI. |
ICMC | International Catholic Migration Commission - International NGO. |
ICMI | Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim Indonesia - Association of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals. |
ICW | Indonesian Corruption Watch. |
IDP | Internally Displaced Person. |
IED | Improvised Explosive Devise. |
IKSAMUNI | Ikatan Persaudaraan Muslim Nusa Ina - Nusa Ina Muslim Association. see Nusa Ina. |
Immarat / Immarah / Amaran | Regulations, command, order to fulfill. |
IMC | International Medical Corps - International NGO. |
IMI | Ikhwanul Muslim Indonesia. |
INGO | International Non-Governmental Organisation. |
IRC | International Rescue Committee - International NGO. |
IRD | International Relief and Development. |
JI | Jamaah Islamiyah. JI is a shadowy organization with bases reportedly in Singapore and Malaysia. It allegedly aims to establish an Islamic state in the region. Leader - Abu Bakar Ba'asyir. Involved in Maluku. |
Jihad | Defined as a "just war" in the holy Koran. |
JRS | Jesuit Refugee Service - International NGO. |
Ka...... | see Kepala. |
Kabupaten | District, provinces are divided into districts, district head = Bupati. |
Kapitan | Advises the Raja in developing war strategies. |
KAMI | Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia - United Action of Indonesian Muslim Students. |
KAMMI | Indonesian Muslim Students Action Front. |
Kandepag | Kantor Departemen Agama - Office of the Department of Religious Affairs. |
KASAD | Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat - Army Chief of Staff.. |
Kecamatan | Sub-District, headed by Camat. |
Kepala / Ka....... | The person in charge of an organisation, i.e. Kapolri, Kapolda, Kapolres, Kades, Kakandepag. |
Keuskupan | Keuskupan Diocese (derived from Latin Episcopus = bishop / uskup). |
Kewang | Traditional institution that is authorized to manage natural resources and the people's economy as well as to control the implementation of traditional regulations. |
KISDI | Indonesian Committee for Solidarity with the Islamic World. |
Kodam | Komando Daerah Militer - . |
Kodim | Komando Distrik Militer - Military District Command. |
Komnas HAM | National Commission on Human Rights. |
Kompas | National newspaper. |
Kontras | Komisi untuk Orang Hilang dan Korban Tindak Kekerasan / Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence. |
Kopassus | Komando Pasukan Khusus - Army Special Forces. |
Kopkamtib | Komando operasional keamanan dan ketertiban - Operational Command for the Restoration of Security and Order, a now defunct internal security agency. |
Koran Info | Local daily newspaper. |
Korem | Military command post. |
Kostrad | Komando Strategi Darat / Infanteri - Army / Infantry Strategic Reserve Command. |
KPK2KM | Komite Penegakan Kebenaran Keadilan dan Penghentian Kekerasan Maluku - organization of Muslim and Christian lawyers from the Moluccas. |
KPPMM | Komite Penyidik Pelanggaran HAM dan Mediasi Maluku - the Committee on Investigation of Human Rights Violations and Intermediation in the Moluccas. |
Latupati | Gathering of regional adat elders. |
Laskar Jihad | Jihad Militia - an external group involved in Maluku conflict. Opposed to Malino II agreement. (Laskar Jihad Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah). Jakarta human-rights activist Bonar Naipospos told Asia Times Online: "General Suparman is one of the generals who was behind the extremist Jihad groups. He set up militias composed of gangsters and religious fanatics to counter student demonstrations in 1998. One of these militias, Pram Swarkasa, became the embryo of Laskar Jihad." |
Laskar Mujahidin | Mujahidin Militia - an external group involved in Maluku conflict. Opposed to Malino II agreement. |
Laskar Yesus | Christian Militia. |
Latupati | Adat chiefs. |
Linggis | Muslims children fighters. A linggis is a crowbar, short but powerful. |
Makan patita | traditional meal called. |
Malino | Malino peace agreement regarding Poso situation (also the town where the agreement was signed). |
Malino II | Malino II peace agreement between major Muslim and Christian groups regarding Maluku conflict. |
Mapolres | Precinct Police Headquarters. |
Marinyo | Person who supports and helps Raja disseminate information, announcer. |
MCH | Mother Child Health. |
MCI | Mercy Corps International - International NGO. |
Merdeka | Freedom. |
MSF | Médécins Sans Frontières - Doctors Without Borders - International NGO. |
Muhammadiyah | Muslim organisation in Indonesia. Chairman Syafii Ma'arif. Supports Malino II agreement. |
MUI | Majelis Ulama Indonesia - Ulama Council of Indonesia. |
Nadhlatul Ulama | Muslim organisation in Indonesia. |
New Order politics | Under Soeharto from 1966 to 1998. |
NGO | Non-Governmental Organisation. |
NII | Nation of Islamic Indonesia. |
NKRI | Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia - Undivided State of the Republic of Indonesia. |
NU | Nahdlatul Ulama - Muslim organisation in Indonesia. |
Nunusaku | The origin of Moluccan people, a mountain which stood between Manusela and Piru on Ceram island. |
Nusa Ina | The island of Seram / Ceram. |
Nusaniwe | One of 3 Kecamatans of the city of Ambon. The two others are Baguala and Sirimau. |
Obed / Obet | Nickname for Christians. Ambon TV explains it as an abbreviation for “Robert”. However, this is incorrect. Protestants often give their children names from the Old Covenant; very popular is the name “Obed” – the grandfather of king David (see Book Rut 4:17.20). |
OCHA | Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (United Nations). |
Ojeg | Motorcycle taxi. |
OPM | Organisasi Papua Merdeka - Free Papua Organisation. |
OPSLIHKAM | Operation for Restoring Security. |
OTI | Office of Transition Initiatives - USAID. |
Pamswakarsa | Civil guard established by Latupati. |
PAN | National Mandate Party. |
PANGKOOPSLIKAM | Panglima Komando Operasi Pemulihan Keamanan / Operational Chief Commander for Restoring Security. |
Parkindo | Partei Kristen Indonesia - Indonesian Christian Party (Protestant political party). |
Partai Keadilan | Justice Party. |
Paskhas | Air Force Special Forces. |
Pattimura | Moluccan national hero, Kapitan aka, Pattimura Thomas Matulessy, hung by the Dutch colonial ruler in 1817. |
PBB | Partei Bulan Bintang - Crescent and Star Party. |
PBHI | Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum Indonesia - human rights organisation. |
PDI | Partei Demokrasi Indonesia. |
PDI-P | Partei Demokrasi Indonesia - Perjuangan / Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (under Megawati split from the PDI). |
PDS | Penguasa Darurat Sipil - Civil Emergency Administrator for the nation, the President. |
PDSD | Penguasa Darurat Sipil Daerah Maluku - Provincial Civil Emergency Administrator, the Governor. |
Pela (click for more details) | A form of adat or common law. A form of alliance between two or more villages. A sort of closeness or togetherness. |
PGI | Persekutuan Gereja Indonesia – Indonesia Synod of Protestant Churches. Union of most Protestant Churches in Indonesia, based in Jakarta. |
PMI | Palang Merah Indonesia - Indonesian Red Cross. |
PMKRI | Perhimpunan Mahasiswa Katolik Republik Indonesia - Association of Catholic Students of Indonesia. |
Polda | Polisi Daerah - Provincial level police. |
Polindes | Poliklinik Bersalin Desa - village level maternity clinics (Field Health Post). |
Polres | Polisi Resort - (subdivision of Polda). |
POLRI | Polisi Republik Indonesia - Indonesian National level Police. |
Pomdam | Pattimura military command. |
Posyandu | Pos Pelayanan Terpadu - Integrated health service. |
PPP | United Development Party. |
PPRC | Pasukan Pemukul Reaksi Cepat. Kostrad fast reaction force. |
Preman | Hoodlums, gangsters, criminals. |
Puskesmas | Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat - Primary health centre. |
Puskodalops | Maluku Control and Operations Command Center. |
Puspaskup Amboina | Pusat Pengembangan Karya Pastoral Keuskupan Amboina. |
Pustu | Puskesmas Pembantu - primary health unit. |
Raja | King, traditional Maluku village leader. |
Rajam | Execution by stoning. |
Ramadhan | Muslim fasting month. |
RMS | Republik Maluku Selatan - Republic of South Maluku - Also refers to South Maluku Independence Organisation. |
RSU | Rumah Sakit Umum - Government Hospital in Kudamati, Ambon. |
Salam | Muslim. |
SAMNM | Satgas Amar Maruf Nahi Mungkar led by Muhamad Attamimi, Rustam Kastor and Ustad Bahasoan. Opposed to Malino II agreement. |
Saniri | Village elder - man, see also seniri. |
Saniri Besar | Village council. |
Saniri Negeri | Legislative body, comprised of all village institutions. |
Sarani | Christian. |
Satgas | Satuan Tugas - Unarmed para-police unit who deal with public disturbances. |
Satkorlak PBP | Provincial Coordinating Unit for Disaster Management and IDPs / Refugees. |
Satlak PBP | District Executing Unit for Disaster Management and IDPs / Refugees. |
SC UK | Save the Children United Kingdom - International NGO. |
SD | elementary school. |
Seniri | Village elder - woman, see also Saniri. |
Sharia' | Islamic law. |
Sirimau | One of 3 Kecamatans of the city of Ambon. The two others are Baguala and Nusaniwe. |
Siwalima | Basic structure of Adat Society, also Ambon daily newspaper (Christian) and a museum in Ambon. |
SLTP | First secondary school. |
SMU | Sekolah Menengah Umum - high schools / upper secondary school. |
SPMM | Radio station - Suara Perjuangan Muslim Maluku / Voice of the Moluccas Muslim Struggle. Opposed to Malino II agreement. |
STAIN | Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri, State-owned Islamic Studies Institute. |
STIA | Trinitas Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi - Academy for administration & Trade. |
Suara Maluku | Local newspaper - Christian. At the start of the conflict split up in Suara Maluku and Ambon Express for practical reasons. Suara = voice. |
Suara Merdeka | National newspaper. |
Suara Pembaruan | National newspaper. |
Tapak Ambon | Team Advokasi Penyelesaian Kasus Ambon - Advocacy Team for the Resolution of the Ambon Case. |
Tempo | National newspaper. |
THR | Taman Hiburan Rakyat, a local name of the location. |
TIIN | Tim Investigasi Independen Nasional - Independent national investigation team. |
TNI | Tentara National Indonesia - Indonesian Armed Forces. |
TPG | Tim Pengacara Gereja (of the GPM) - Church Advocacy Team. |
TPG | Tim Penyidik Gabungan - joint investigation team. Investigate on law enforcement and to prevent intervention by foreign groups. |
TPM | Tim Pengacara Muslim - Muslim Lawyers Team. |
Tramtib | Municipal guard units, a civilian corps employed by district governments to enforce local codes and regulations. |
TVRI | TV Republik Indonesia - national TV network with local programming. |
UKIM | UKIM Universitas Kristen Indonesia - Indonesian Christian University Maluku (Protestant). |
UKK | Unsur Kesatuan Komando - united command of the Army (TNI Angkatan Darat). |
UNCR | United Nations Resource Centre in Ambon. |
UNDP | United Nations Development Programme. |
UNHCR | United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. |
UNICEF | United Nations Childrens Fund. |
Unidar | Universitas Darussalam - Islamic University of Darussalam, Ambon - Tulehu. |
Unpatti | Universitas Pattimura - Pattimura University. |
USAID | United States Agency for International Development. |
Ustadz | Muslim preachers. |
UXO | Unexploded Ordnance. |
Wirabuana | Regional Military Command in South Sulawesi. |
WIT | Waktu Indonesia Timur - Indonesian Eastern Time Zone. |
WVI | World Vision International - International NGO. |
YDBM | Moluccan scholarship fund. |
YLBHI | Foundation of the Indonesian Legal Aid Institute. |
Yon Gab | Batalyon Gabungan - Joint Battalion. |
Zipur | Army Battalion. |
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