The ART Website The Carvings Page |
HaidaTotemArgolyte - Argillite - Argellite circa 1925 |
This unique carving is from the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada. It was acquired by my grandfather during a trip to the far-east in the early 1920s. |
It stands 9 3/4 inches tall and is carved in black argillite - argellite - argolyte. |
Cambodian Apsara Dancer - stone
Cambodian Byan Head - wood
Apsara - stone - bas relief - Cambodia
Carved box - stone - Cambodia
Bird of Great Zimbabwe - stone
Ivory Elephants (2)
Elephant - Wood - Ebony
Dyak blow gun - wood, Kalimantan, Indonesia
Panther - stone - Peru
Carved box - stone - Peru
Pregnant Woman - wood - Kenya
Pregnant Woman, 2 faced - stone - Peru
Carved gourd - Peru
Spirit - stone -Tanimbar, Maluku, Indonesia
Spirit - bone -Tanimbar, Maluku, Indonesia
Spirit - bone -Tanimbar, Maluku, Indonesia
Bhudda - stone - Afghanistan
Woman carrying jar on head - stone - Cambodia
Oxen drawn cart - wood - Cambodia
Elephant god - stone - Cambodia
Wood knife handle & case - Zimbabwe
Old men (2) - wood - Quebec
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Last modified: 14/06/11