Works of Art (243 bytes)

About Works of Art (247 bytes)

Paintings - oil, water colour, silk screen, prints (284 bytes)

prints - Baxter, Messenier

carving - Hyda in arogliyte (277 bytes)

castings in bronze (279 bytes)

clocks and watches (264 bytes)

silver - sterling and plate (257 bytes)

boxes and containers in wood, stone, silver (252 bytes)

antique cabinets (279 bytes)

contact the art webmaster (257 bytes)

The ART Website

The Paintings Page


Scottish Battle Scene

Oil on Copper

Scottish-Battle-copper.jpg (32913 bytes)

Leon Perret

"On the Loire"


On-the-Loire-Leon-Perret-18.jpg (71889 bytes)

J. B. Pyne

"No 50"

Oil on Canvas

JBPyne-No-50.jpg (49613 bytes)

EES-1929-2.jpg (97942 bytes)



Oil on Canvas - miniatures

EES-1929-1.jpg (75604 bytes)

Coming Later -

Oil Paintings

Hunter & Stag

Pastoral sheep scene

Irishman reading a letter 18xx

St. Lambert Quebec (2) - family - 1920

Quebec split log house

Water Colours

"Hull of the Waconsta" - shipwreck on shore of Waterloo beach, 1877 - Pastel

Aston Hall 1824

Rice Paper

Rubbings - Thailand

Chinese Party - circa 1900

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Last modified: 01/06/08